Market and Promote Your Business with Shani’s Team at Communiqué USA
For over 18 years, Shani and her team at Communiqué USA have been providing marketing project relief to stressed out, overworked marketing departments around the country by providing Marketing Staffing, Creative Services and Public Relations solutions.
Shani and her team are the pinch hitters—the savers of the day—the ones you call when you need to breathe new life into a creative project or when a deadline is rapidly approaching and there aren’t enough hours or resources to meet it on time.

Write Your Book or Launch Your Blog with Shani’s UNSTUCK Writing Group Coaching Program
Stop thinking about it and get published by joining Shani’s UNSTUCK Writing Group coaching program to get the support, community, and accountability you need to turn your passion for writing into a finished project you can share with the world.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get published and connect with like-minded aspiring authors

Listen to Inspirational Stories on the JOY EconomicsSM Podcast
Believe it or not, stress cost U.S. companies $300 billion in productivity losses each year, according to the American Institute of Stress. Joy Economics is a weekly podcast that Shani started to challenge the way we do business in the corporate world and provide listeners with inspirational stories, tips and advice from business leaders on how to find more joy at work and in life.